本公司专业生产各类精密弹簧,拥有先进的各型弹簧机及一系列精密检测设备和一批高素质的管理人才,随着高科技产业的发展,我们不断引进更多先进机器,大大提高产品质量,确保客户订单依期完成,可根据客户的要求设计,生产各种弹簧样品,而且在生产过程中的每一阶段都严格执行品质控管。以求把最好的产品提供给客户。 产品广泛应用于电子、电器仪表、精密机械、家用电器、照像机、开关、灯饰、玩具等行业,具有现代化生产规模和管理方式,主要材质有:高碳弹簧钢丝,不锈钢丝,琴钢丝,镀锌弹簧钢丝,青铜,红铜,磷铜。表面处理镀镍、锌、金、银、铜,染黑。自2007年开始,我公司业务拓展已覆盖至加拿大,德国,日本,美国,印度等工业大国,一致受到客户好评。承蒙这么多国外客户的支持,我们的业绩蒸蒸日上。 公司地理位置优越,深惠、深汕一级公路和深惠、深汕、机荷高速公路贯穿而过。龙岗镇至罗湖海关、盐田港、深圳机场仅半个小时车程。 我们的经营理念:提供最优质的产品,最具竞争力的价格,最完美的服务。 公司总经理携全体员工热忱欢迎各界人士前来洽谈、参观。 Our company specializes in producing all kinds of precision springs, with various types of advanced spring machines, a range of sophisticated testing eqipment and a group of high-quality management personnel. With the development of high-tech industries, we continue to import more advanced machinery, improve the product quality greatly, and ensure the delivery of customer orders can be designed timely. According to customer’s requirements, we can produce a variety of spring samples. In order to offer the best products to customers, every stage of the production process are strictly enforced by quality control. Products are widely used in electronics, electrical devices, precision machinery, household appliances, cameras, switches, lamps, toys, etc. with the scale of modern production and management practices mode, the main material are: high-carbon spring steel wire, stainless steel wire, piano wire, galvanized spring steel wire, bronze, copper, phosphor copper. Suface treatment of nickel, zinc, gold, silver, copper, black. |